Spencer Bohren

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How do you Red Bean, Spencer Bohren?

Red Beans and Eric interviewed Spencer about his red beans and rice preferences. 

1. Where’s your favorite place to order red beans and rice?

My wife, Marilyn, and I tend to go to Mandina’s for RB&R. And while I know it’s useless to cry aver spilled milk, I still miss Buster Holmes place in the French Quarter.

2. Do you put any unique ingredients in your pot of red beans? Do you prefer dried or canned beans?

I’m embarrassed to tell you that I’m not much of a cook. Too much time spent with a steering wheel or guitar in my hands, I guess. On the other hand, Marilyn is a world-class cook who does a vegetarian version of RB&R that would fool Louis Armstrong! Don’t know her secret, though.