Spencer Bohren

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Dust off those dancin' shoes

This about says it, y'all ~

Spencer and I are honored to be on the receiving end of this much love and kindness. Our son Andre has put together an incredible night of music by our friends and associates to help raise funds as Spencer is healing from stage IV prostate cancer that has found its way into his bones. The healing process is intense and time-consuming, making it impossible to tour at this time. And as you all know, this is how we make our living.

In addition to the music, Scott Edwards will be serving a WHOLE HOG & sides outside of Tipitina’s for this event. There will also be a silent auction that has some really amazing packages, including B&B stays, bar tabs, artwork, food gift certificates, a handmade guitar, photographs from some of the city's finest photographers, and more! We will also have a good supply of Spencer's newest music, Makin' It Home To You, available, along with back catalog CDs.

And the musicians! They include friends from the gamut of our life in New Orleans from our first New Orleans friend Dave Malone of Raw Oyster Cult to the spectacularly talented members of Sweet Crude. 

Here's the schedule of music for the night:

7pm: doors
8pm: Rory Danger & the Danger Dangers
9pm: Anders Osborne/George Porter Jr/Johnny Vidacovich Trio
10pm: Sweet Crude
11pm: Raw Oyster Cult & guests
midnight: Johnny Sketch & the Dirty Notes plus Mike Doussan & Tommy & Darcy Malone.

And here is the link to buy tickets at Tipitina’s: http://www.tipitinas.com/calendar/singing-for-spencer-a-benefit-to-support-spencer-bohrens-cancer-recovery/

We look forward to seeing you there ~
